Welcome to Ventana Studios OnLine.
Originally, the focus of this site was to be centered mainly around Matte Painting, Illustration and Concept Art. At the time, my goal was to someday be creating digital artwork and CG environments for film, television, commercials, print and interactive media. It soon became apparent that I would need a better foundation in traditional arts if I wanted to be successful in that field. I have temporarily shifted my focus and am currently concentrating on the basics. The site will now focus on those efforts and whatever it is I'm working on at the time.
Hopefully, this website will serve as both a personal portfolio and resource for other aspiring artists.
Please view my portfolio by clicking on the category links to the left.

It's been a while since I posted to this blog. I've been real busy, and true to form, I've been dabbling in a little of this and a little of that. I've decided to spend a considerable amount of time doing some graphite drawing and maybe get into a little bit of traditional painting. I need to solidify my technique in both areas and incorporate them into digital matte painting. Most of the established, big name, matte painters have solid foundations in some form of traditional art. They just didn't get up one morning and start matte painting for a living. So, I need to do the same. I have to admit that soon after coming to this realization, I was a bit discouraged. I mean I'm 59 going on 60 come July, for God's sake (the 12th to be exact. Just in case anyone wants to get me a gift). So, let's say I put a good 5 years into developing my foundation skills... WOW, I'll be 65. Then I thought, "well, if I don't do it, I'll be 65 in 5 years anyway", so why not.
I've bought some books, joined some Yahoo mail lists, met some new cool and talented people and joined a graphite web site. So I'm on my way. I'll get into detail about them all in later posts.